Thursday, January 7, 2010

Feliz Ano Nuevo

Happy New Year folks. Last year was rough, but it ended on a good note, I think. The promise of really starting a new life with Dana, a new job and a little more stability left me optimistic and largely renewed. I heard a man say that you need four things in life: something to do, something to believe in, someone to love and something to hope for. So far, I'm batting 1.000 in 2010.

All the changes were phenomenal, but I learned that even positive change can be stressful. I have all the elasticity of a No. 2 pencil, and while the changes have been challenging, I finally have a firm sense of priorities, sacrifice and fulfillment. It was a hell of a road getting here.

We all think that we learn these wonderful life lessons through mentors or epiphanies. But in reality, the lessons whose weight we learn to measure with the greatest precision come from our failures and the leaps of faith that leave us rearranging our faces. But as another wise man told me, "It's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get up."

Now if all that wisdom is cloaked in vagueness it is because I prefer to keep some shortcomings private. Do you like hot dogs and wine? Of course you do. You're an upper-middle class American sophisticate. Well, fellow patriot, if you saw the process of how our favorite snacks are made you would either be repulsed or bored to tears. The same applies to my lessons. The guts we hide, the fruits we share with dear friends.