Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You're Screwed When

You know you're screwed when you're writing about writing. Worse yet, when you're reading about writing.

I keep reading that writers become better writers when they read and write. Get me off this pinche ride.

I don't know if I'm undertaking a noble venture or if I just bought into a Madoff security but I do see why the best authors were drunken misanthropes, or drunken hermits, or drunken borderline suicidal types. Coping.

Which reminds me, I'm meeting Mark at Baker Street at 6. You're welcome to join, all five of you.

My favorite authors were either a) inspired by God or b) cast away from their communities because they were labeled as communists or c) remarkably witty. God's been especially active in my life as of late, I'm a moderate Independent suburbanite and well, I'm witty. I'M WITTY DAMN YOU. Where does this leave me? Unpublished?

I'm suspect that listening to NPR and losing myself deep in thought just aren't going to provide the sustenance I need to produce. This is where you come in you sexy beast, you.

Give me your queries, let me know what you think about sitting in traffic or before you go to bed. If you find that you would label your thoughts NSFW, do me a favor and write me an email instead of posting here.

What news stories interest you? What frustrates you? What's the best restaurant you've been to lately or the best band you've seen? What did you avoid doing today that you know you should have done?

I'm finding that I enjoy writing human interest pieces and sports stories the most. I feel that everyone should have their story told and sports offers too many universal lessons to be ignored.

I'm obviously rambling today, but if this strikes a chord with anyone, please send me an email or post a comment to the blog.